
Showing posts from June, 2009

Do I Refi or Do I Mod?

Loan Modification and Stimulus  Programs are the hot buzz words for distressed homeowners. But exactly what are they and who qualifies for help? Mortgage loan modification as a means to help folks in financial distress has always been an option --just not widely known. The basic premise is to renegotiate the terms of your existing loan contract with your mortgage holder. Generally, modifications are considered if your financial circumstances have changed, or you simply cannot afford the new adjustable rate reset. Most lenders want a hardship letter that holds water. (Not a good idea to complain that your stated income loan was a sham!) The key word is 'negotiation'. Few of us have the understanding of win win in a delicate balancing act with that creature we fondly refer to as 'The Bank'. Those friendly folks who loaned you money to buy or refinance just a few years ago, have built a very effective and impenetrable wall built of endless automated phone systems and...