Making Homes REALLY Affordable?
Principal Writedowns + Help for Unemployed Homeowners: HAMP and Making Home Affordable Guidelines updated today are sounding pretty progressive: The much touted PR on Principal Write downs is being implemented by the first subscribers to this. If the idea of lowering your loan balance has any goodguy points be aware that citizens will be paying for this via more bailout funds or taxes. Supporting the collective good is after all what our democracy stands for. Which Banks? Unfortunately, the major banks still standing have inherited many bad loans: Pay Option ARMS, and assorted Sub Prime loans i.e., loans famous for exploding one's principal balance or rate and payment when they adjust. Many of these loans were sold to people who simply did not understand ther terms or qualify for the full principal and interest payments. To the embarassment of some brokers and banks, these loans financed a rash of predictable defaults. So what is a lender holding so many bad loans to...